暦に出てくるほどの鳥ならば、昔の人にはきっとなじみのある鳥だったのでしょうに、 セキレイと言われても、私には鳴き声どころか、あの鳥のことかな…?と姿もおぼろげ。わからないのが少し寂しい気がしました。
“The Wagtail”
I checked the calendar and realized that September the seventh is the “Hakuro day”. Vernal equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox, Hakuro day etc, are Solar terms. A solar term is one of twenty four points in Traditional East Asian calendar.
The meaning of Hakuro is white morning dew, it is said that “The morning coolness starts to spread and the dew is blighting in white on the wet grass” then the feeling of autumn begins.
I realized that checking the calendar every day for the change of seasons can be very interesting.
Another seasonal term which is used in the Traditional East Asian calendar is a hou.The solar term is divided further into three so, in one year there are seventy two hou points. The Wagtail starts to chatter from around September the twelve until the seventeenth, and that period is called “The Wagtail chatter”.
The Wagtail appears in the calendar, and Although since long ago it is a common bird,I was not sure if I can recognize it’s chattering,
So I started to feel a little ashamed about my self.
After investigating I found out that the Wagtail can be seen in the city, particularly near the waterside of streams. Recently, I was thinking on bird watching in the seashore around my neighborhood.