私がマイケル・ジャクソンさんの曲を初めて聞いたのは中学2年生のときでしたが、当時流行ったアルバム「スリラー」をLPレコードからカセットに落としたものをたまに聞く程度で、それほど熱狂的でありませんでした。ただ、その年の学校の体育祭では、応援合戦の際に、あるクラスがそのアルバムの「Beat it」という曲に合わせて、クラス全員が踊るという応援をしていたのをはじめ、ほとんどのクラスがBGMにそのアルバムの曲を使っており、すごいブームであったことは記憶しています。
“CD Emphasis”
At the end of last month, shocking news were spread that Michael Jackson, one of the world’s famous singers, has died.
It was when I was just in the eighth grade that I heard the music of Michael Jackson at the first time.At that time I dropped the popular “Thriller” from an LP record to a cassette, but I did not listen to it so often.
At the yearly Athletic Festival event , I can remember that “Thriller” was a great boom, most of the classes at that time used that album for their BGM, one class had performed the song “Beat it” which is also from the same album.
Another story that I can remember about “Thriller”, is the time when analog records started to be converted to digital cd’s. At that time I purchased my first cd player and started listening to “Thriller”,
A led which was not turned on until now, suddenly turned on when I replayed that cd. When looking carefully I saw that “Emphasis” was written, I do not know much about cds, but, when searching about “Emphasis” I found out that it is a system which is used in order to minimize high-tone range noise distortion.The whole system is divided to Preemphasis and Deemphasis.
Preemphasis is used while recording for increasing the high-tone range(treble), and ,Deemphasis is used while replaying for decreasing the high-tone range(treble).
At that time analog SN techniques were not so good, and that technology was used in order to reduce Analogical Noise while recording.
In comparison to back then , today’s analog system technology is much more advanced and that noise reduction system is not used in the present music cds.
“Thriller” seems to have been able to sell 105,000,000 worldwide. And since it is a good opportunity , I want to listen to “Thriller” one more time.