Don’t you say “chinchin” when the water is boiling ?
During yesterday’s party, I do not know why, but, we started talking about how to express the sound of boiling the bath basin water. When I said “chinchin”, some people had a question mark on their face.
Actually, saying that word can be the cause of a very big misunderstanding. As a matter of fact, only 3 people out of 10 had nod their heads for agreement. And, after searching in the Japanese dictionary the 7th explanation was:”the sound of the iron kettle when the water are boiling”. And, that usage of the expression “chinchin” is popular in the area of Gifu,Mie and Aichi prefectures. As I was guessing the dialect is used particularly in that area, And , by the way I am from Nagoya (Which is the capital city of Aichi prefecture).
From the technical side , the analysis of the formant “I” bring about the following results:F1 has the value of 250~350Hz and F2 is above 2000Hz ,”I” frequency is very high among the vowels. My self analysis is that “chinchin” comes from the vibration of the kettle when the water are boiling. Another usage is,”chinchin train”(An old expression) which expresses the high and short sound of the train bell which is made out of metal.
As opposed to “chinchin”, the expression “kinkin” is used all over the nation for expressing coldness, for example ,”my head became kinkin from the cold beer”. And, as a matter of fact, after searching the Japanese dictionary again, the second explanation was “the biting pain which is felt in the head and ears”.I think that , maybe that expression comes from the pain felt in the side of the head when eating Japanese shaved ice…