


夜ふと耳を澄ますと、「リリーン リリーン」と鈴虫の心地よい鳴声が響きわたってきました。鈴虫の鳴き声、秋を感じるひと時でもありまた、都会の喧騒から解き放たれる瞬間でもあり風情を感じます。






“The Bell Cricket”

How did you spend the silver week holiday?
I spent two days in my parents home which is in Nagano Prefecture.

In Nagano the fall is still ahead but the cool air which is typical to autumn can be felt gradually during the mornings and evenings.

And if you listen carefully the harmonious chirping sound of the bell cricket is echoed everywhere.
The chirping sound of the bell cricket creates a pleasant feeling of autumn and a moment of freedom and release from the bustle of city life.

Japanese people can decide the current season after listening to the insects chirping, for example:
Spring = Japanese Bush Warbler
Summer = Cicada
Autumn = Bell Cricket
Beginning of Winter = Field Cricket

Some scientists research results imply that Japanese people process the insects chirping in the left brain, while western people process it in the right brain.
The right brain is fluent with intuition and creativeness while the left brain is used for language and alphabet recognition.
It is said that Japanese people brain is processing the insects chirping as a means for feeling nostalgic.

By the way, the Bell Cricket is also the title of a chapter in the “The tale of Genji” and is depicted on the back of the 2000 yen bank note.
Since old times the bell cricket chirp sound has fascinated the Japanese people.

So, how about enjoying a moment of nostalgic in listening to the bell cricket chirp sound in the long autumn nights?