Constantly pursuing the relation between speech and medicine and welfare

Speech is the basic form of communication among people. Animo is incessantly thinking of ways to use speech technology to help those with visual and auditory disabilities. We keep close partnerships with university hospitals and research institutes in our basic research and development activities. Precious knowledge and know-how acquired through our efforts in the medical and welfare areas eventually become the basis of all Animo products.

Product list

Snoring Check “ZooZii” – Patented technology –

A cloud-based service that consists of recording and analyzing snoring sounds at your bedside using a smartphone. This service is base on Animo’s proprietary sound analysis technology. It can also be used as a tool to record your physical and daily life conditions.
Supervision: Prof. Kimitaka Kaga, Prof. Emeritus at the University of Tokyo.

Aphasia rehabilitation

Based on the global structuration theory, this software helps restoring impaired linguistic abilities through the simultaneous use of multiple senses such as audition, vision, and tactile sense. We support promoting effective rehabilitation in hospitals or at home with a clear narration, beautiful pictures, and pleasant excercises.
Supervision: Prof. K. Yonemoto, Prof. Emeritus at the Jikei University School of Medicine

SUGI SpeechAnalyzer for medical care
Acoustics/utterance and language acquisition test

This tool enables visualization of speech waveform, pitch, spectrum, etc. It is widely used in basic research on speech language, otorhynolaryngology, acoustic analysis for dentistry, and analysis of utterances/language acquisition in the treatment of language and auditory problems.
Supervision: Miyoko Sugito, Director of the Institute for Speech Communication Research

Larynx Scan
Laryngeal disease screening

This system aims at achieving early detection of vocal fold nodules vocal fold polyps, and laryngeal cancer through the analysis of speech data. We perform automatic analysis through the Internet of speech data recorded from a PC (screening test). Thus, doctors may focus their attention on more suspicious cases, saving the patient’s time and money.

Joint development: Prof. Hiroyuki Fukuda, Director of Tokyo Voice Center, International University of Health and Welfare